It is a very well-known fact that maintaining milk at a cool temperature preserves it. Whether you have a new startup who wants to sell ghee, paneer, khoa, lassi, curd etc or a reputed manufacturer, Drycool’s milk chilling plants and pasteurization plants are one stop solution. Drycool’s state of the art infrastructure allows it to design, engineer and manufacture sophisticated milk chilling plants and chillers for milk collection center and milk pasteurization.
Drycool’s in house engineering and manufacturing experts can design and manufacture Instant Milk Chillers, Bulk Milk Coolers, Insulated Bank Tanks Homogenizers, Insulated SS tanks, Coagulation tanks, Dump tank, milk storage tank, Pouch packing machines, incubation room heaters, SS pump for milk, Interconnecting SS pipeline, air compressor, plate heat exchanger and cooling towers.